Broken City

美 [ˈbroʊkən ˈsɪti]英 [ˈbrəʊkən ˈsɪti]
  • 网络破碎之城;惊爆危城;破裂之城
Broken CityBroken City
  1. Until middle and later periods , the development of city has already broken through the city wall , has developed towards periphery of city wall .


  2. Application of Broken Stone Pile In City Road Construction


  3. I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of broken dreams Were the city sleeps And I 'm the only one and I walk alone


  4. Ecocity is a unique kind of human habitat notion and development mode facing the future . In the aesthetic conception , it has broken through the modernistic city aesthetic principles based on the industry civilization .


  5. In recent years , the rice leaf roller , stem borer , brown planthopper and other Pests continuously had broken out in Chaohu City rice producing areas , which have resulted in the reduction of rice , medication is not standardized , ecological imbalance , and serious economic losses .
